River Reports

This page is a living record of river reports and updates. Whenever I visit a river I will try to post a brief recounting of the state that river was in when I visited, fish activity, clarity, crowds and so forth. The intent is not to hot hole rivers or spots, but instead to provide helpful reports on my favorite rivers.

March 2, 2025

Sol Duc River - Maxfield to Dimmel

River at 7 boards. Scattered showers and warmer weather around 55F. This weekend was crazy busy, perhaps because of the recent bump in the water levels, nice waether or closures down south, who knows. We plugged almost the entire stretch, and managed to separate ourselves from the other boats. Hooked a decent trout at the beginning of the day and a beautiful 30in steelie at the end. Awesome day, with the plugs proving their worth again. Float setups are beginning to feel like a marketing ploy.

March 1, 2025

Bogachiel River - 101 to Wilsons

1270 CFS. We covered some new water today, rowing the stretch of the Bogachiel between the put-in at Kallman road and the hatchery. The sun was shining and it was the first relatively warm day on the water in a long time. Fishing from a boat is prohibited above the hatchery so that stretch was essentially a scouting run. When we got below Mill Creek, we deployed the plugs from there to Wilson’s, but had no action except for one take. Teag missed the hookset. Many boats and bank anglers, with no one reporting any success.

February 17, 2025

Bogachiel River - Hatchery to Wilson’s

River up around 1000 CFS, air temp around 40 with sun shining. Plug fished all the plug water in this section and came up with three wild fish, two of which were trophies. One around 40 inches (and a fat belly!) and another around 35 inches. These two fish were fish of a lifetime that we will never forget, still can’t believe we managed to land them. Plugs SLUG. The steelie in the background was slightly out of the water for about 0.5 seconds, this picture is a screenshot of a video…

February 16, 2025

Hoh River

River up to around 1150 CFS, with temperatures relatively warm, outside temp at around 40F. Holiday weekend led to a very crowded Hoh. Bank was the most crowded I have seen, and the section below Minnie’s up near the road was lined with 5 boats when we drove by around 10am. Fished for 7 hours above Morgan’s with no bites.

February 15, 2025

Hoh River

River very low still, decided to wade the upper river in the afternoon- flow is still around 650 cfs. Slight rain during the day stirred up quite a few bites! Landed a nice little guy but didn’t get a great photo. Luke hooked a monster who gave us a show, shook off the spinner and went on his way.

Bogechiel River

Waded the same section this morning where we had a bit last night. Walked up river a few miles but didn’t see any action.

February 14, 2025

Hoh River

River very low still. Walked about 5 miles of bank below Spruce Creek. No action. That high up the river we are targeting very few fish, and the fish that are there have ben for a while given this dry spell.

Bogechiel River

Late afternoon session targeting two tailouts and Teagan hooked up twice! First hookup shook off after a five foot jump! Awesome action. All hookups this trip have been on the trusty spinner in fast water. Hooked around 4:30, which has been the money time for us.

February 13, 2025

Hoh River

Low conditions persist, around 700 cfs. Chose to take a break from the raft and bank fish instead. Today was the day, we went to our favorite hole on the Hoh, covered a lot of water on foot from 9:30 to dusk and found our trophy beauty wild winter steelie just before sundown. Words cannot express our gratitude to encounter such a beautiful creature. Will try to write up a story for how the day as a whole went, but we are still in shock. This is a reminder that the many cold and fruitless days are always worth it for days like this.

February 12, 2025

Sol Duc River - Rayoneir to Leyendecker

River just around 1 board, very, VERY low and clear. Like the two other boats we talked to, we had no action. 28 degrees outside and sunny. Section was very bony and ended up dragging the boat more than a few times…Keen on banking tomorrow until we get some rain.

February 2, 2025

Sol Duc River - Dimmel to Rayoneir

River lower than the day before and very clear. Snowing all day. Tried pulling plugs, but we left our 2.5 and 3 inch plugs at home so we were stuck with wigglers and they did not get deep enough. Drift fished a bead for a while and floated a bead too. No bites. Learning new tactics thanks to our close friend Jeff Woodward. These steelies are hard to coax out in such cold and low conditions.

February 1, 2025

Sol Duc River - Rayoneir to Leyendecker

Very cold day, river low, around 4 boards at Maxfield launch. There was a little bit of color to the water though still fairly clear. This was a new section for us so we were focused on learning the river and trying to scout where the fish might be holding. No fish hooked, potentially a bobber down or two. Saw a few other boats throughout the day, many folks running similar setups with floats and beads. Bobber dogged, float fished, threw spinners.

January 20, 2025

Sol Duc River - Whitcomb Dimmel to Rayonier

River very low and clear. Beautiful, very cold day. Anchor line frozen, eyelets frozen. Saw a big steelie darting around beneath our raft, but no takers. Wonderful time on my favorite river. The “Double Rapid” section went fine, but we didn’t stay left as advised by our friend Jeff, and had to drag a bit. Would advise ultra “quiet”, small gear in these conditions.

January 19, 2025

Hoh River - Morgan’s to Allen’s

River at 1200 CFS. Cold conditions, air temp at around 28F. Conditions low and clear, threw beads, worms, and spinners but with little result. Two whitefish, no steelie takes. The five other boats we talked to all got skunked as well. Teagan and I both had one big steelie bite just before sunset at a secret spot above Morgan’s, we BOTH lost them though! :(

January 5, 2025

Sol Duc River - Hatchery to Whitcomb Dimmel

Hired Keith Allison for a day steelheading on the Duc. Keith is excellent and well worth the money. River was in excellent condition. Float was about 15 miles. Morning was slow with little to no action running worms and beads under floats. Switched to Bobber Dogging and the day picked up with two misses and one landed wild hen!

January 4, 2025

Salmon River, Hoh River, and Bogachiel River

Spent much of the day scouting the conditions of these three rivers in search of both hatchery and wild fish. Had never fished the Salmon River before. Salmon has no gauage, but Queets was about 5600 CFS and rising. Other anglers had success, though we spent much of our time exploring the structure and banks of the river.

Visited a couple of holes on the Upper Hoh and had no action, river was relatively low but rising, at around 3000 CFS.

Bogey was in excellent shape and we fished just above the hatchery with no luck.

December 14-15, 2024

NF Stilly and Sauk Rivers

Sauk 3000 CFS ~ 3 ft vis, Stilly 4000 CFS ~2 ft vis. Much brighter water than last weekend. Still some coho around. Bank anglers trying their luck for steelhead at popular spots on the Stilly. Hooked into a beautiful Coho buck and a nice whitefish on the Sauk and promptly released both. Caught on a twitching jig.

December 7, 2024

NF Stilly and Sauk Rivers


Unfishable chocolate milk. Water levels rose fast starting early, 2000 CFS to 12,000 in a matter of hours.


Same as Stilly, rose super fast and was quickly unfishable. 2000 to 14,000 in a matter of hours.

November 29, 2024

Bogachiel River - Hatchery to Wilson’s

River dropping, gauge at ~26.4 ft. Water very clear. Lots of anglers at the hatchery, on the bank and in drift boats. No fish caught.

November 28, 2024

Hoh River - Cottonwood & above Morgan’s

River dropping, at 2000 CFS. Visibility about 3 ft, quite clear not much debris. Not much happening at Cottonwood. Some fish in upper river, caught a nice coho hen.

November 17, 2024

Skykomish River

River at 5000 CFS. Visibility about 1-2 feet. Lots of debris in the water with stormy conditions and high flows. Tough fishing conditions even up just below the forks. Used big and bright steelhead worms, but low chance of strike in those conditions. Would wait for flows to go down.

November 16, 2024

Snoqualmie River

River was high but pretty clear, probably around 3 or 4 feet of visibility. 40 degrees outside and rain. Water conditions definitely fishable. Threw jigs, spinners and floated some steelhead worms. No bites, no action, no signs of life. No remains either. Fished late afternoon to early evening. Fished only for an hour or so.

November 9, 2024

Skykomish River - Sultan to Ben Howard Launch

Floated from around 9 am to 3 pm. Were surprised by the slow speed of most of the float, discharge was around 2950 cfs. Fish were rolling on river right at the deep wall at the start of the float. Noticed bank anglers having success at the tail outs of gravel banks. Caught trout on our jig float set up using the center pin. Had some bites on beads/eggs. Lots of zombie chum out and about, one even had the energy to bite a spinner!

November 3, 2024

Satsop River - West Fork to Highway 12

River at 3160 CFS. Visibility about 1 foot. Floated West Fork to Highway 12. Coho rolling mostly on river right, along the stretch across from Juel’s Nursery. Fished that bank with bait, beads, spinners and jigs for 2 hours with maybe 1 or 2 hits. Encountered 2/3 jet boats and about 6 drift boats throughout the day. No fish caught. Visibility seemed a bit too low, WDFW officer said it had been a slow day at the take out. Afternoon to early evening.

November 2, 2024

Skykomish River - Reiter Ponds

River at 3880 CFS. Visibility decent, about 4-5 feet. Bank fished above and below Reiter ponds. Crowds were thick, several hooking up to fish, but we had no bites fishing eggs, beads jigs, and spinners. All hook ups that we saw were just below the hatchery intake. No fish rolling or rising, but action was solid. Most people were float fishing, drifting bait, jigs, and beads. Afternoon to early evening.

October 27, 2024

Sol Duc River - 101 Bridge Closest to Forks

River high, after solid rains. Bank fished under the bridge closest to Forks. Struggle continued, no bites on eggs, spinners or jigs. Saw one other person hook up out of a drift boat on the far side basically sitting on the rising fish. Oh yeah…tons of rising fish on the far side. Visibility was solid. Early morning to afternoon. No pictures taken, this is a photo from the same spot a few months earlier. No crowds.

October 26, 2024

Hoh River - Morgan’s to Allen’s

River at 4000 CFS. Visibility < 1 foot, barely fishable. Floated quickly to preserve daylight and fish elsewhere. River was moving fast and was chocolate milk. Hit a coho traveling upstream with my paddle. Oxbow was doable, but a bit intense. Canyon section beautiful as always. One or two other boats.

October 26, 2024

Sol Duc River - Secret Hole

River was highest I have seen it, much more fishable than Hoh. Shockingly no rolling or jumping fish. Teagan caught a resident steelhead / rainbow on a black and green Steelhead Slammer, maybe 17 in or so? Caught in a pool before a riffle. Afternoon to evening. No crowds.

October 18, 2024

Hoh River - Secret hole

River at 880 CFS, hours before spiking to 18,000. Visibility solid. No bites, but saw a large chinook that put on a show for us. It jumped on the far side of the hole once, then jumped about 12 more times all throughout the hole for the next minute or so. It had a gold spinner lodged in it’s jaw. This hole always has fish holding in it. Afternoon to evening. No crowds.

October 12, 2024

Stillaguamish River - Somewhere near Blue Stilly Park

Visibility good, maybe too good. Water was very low. Coho rolling consistently on far bank. Took my parents out, mom was the only one to get a fish, a nice 10 in rainbow on an orange and silver Steelhead Slammer. Salmon were stubborn today. No crowds.

October 6, 2024

Satsop River - Highway 12

River around 300 CFS. Visibility good. Coho rolling consistently on far bank. Several anglers out on the bank with us. Teagan hooked into a large spawny coho. Flares of red and black on the beast and had good fight in him. Teagan fought him to the bank, and he made several runs and jumps. He spat the hook out and it rehooked in its Dorsal fin. He came off before we could get a picture. First freshwater salmon of the season for us. Caught early evening.